Sunday, January 29, 2006

Kuwait VS Oman Part I

Hey all …

I am sorry for not updating for the last three weeks or so .. but when I think about a topic and I open my computer to write it down I feel my brain jam and I think about something else .. don’t know why though… life was slow for me for the past few weeks I went to Kuwait I spent Eid Al athha there other that that nothing really worth to mention … yet I will post later about my trip cause I want to talk about specific airways company but that would be another post ..

I noticed something about my self that I keep telling good things about Oman when I am in Kuwait and criticizing Kuwait while am there .. yet when I travel back to Oman I start to criticize Oman and start telling good things about Kuwait ..I miss Kuwait while am in Oman .. I miss Oman while am in Kuwait … do Kuwait and Oman differ .. yes they do .. many asked me this question “ if you have the right to choose .. where do you want to live in Kuwait or in Oman .. ?”

A comparison is always held in my brain .. giving advantages and disadvantages to each country .. yet I love them both and yet I know that finally when I finish the University I will go back to my country but Oman will remain my second country .. and the only place ( other than Kuwait ) where I felt am home ..

I will compare the two countries in my view … Kuwaitis , and Omanis don’t feel offended please …

Markets , Malls ..

Kuwait will take point on that .. sometimes shoping in Oman is extremely difficult due to lack of good malls and shops .. and if they are available customer care around here sucks .. make you think twice before buying anything from here .. unless it is necessary couse you could always buy your stuff from Dubai .. and for me back from Kuwait .. I remember when my they stole my car tire ( hehe yes some one stole my tire back in 2002 ) I bought the tire from Wadi Kabeer ( round 60 km from where I live ) after hectic search … and the screws from Shanfari .. and the ring from Dubai partly because I couldn’t find it here and partly because if I am going to order it gonna cost me more than double of the price in Dubai or Kuwait .. I remember when I wanted to buy an Ipod … I couldn’t find the new video ipod except in one shop and if I didn’t asked Muscati ( thanks alot dude ) .. I wouldn’t thought about that shop .. yet the situation is getting better .. but its slow .. there are many examples and I am sure you have a lot of bad experience to share ..

Driving …

Oman Will take point on that .. Based on my experience when I travel back to Kuwait .. drving there is getting worse and worse .. I don’t know how am going to drive there and don’t know sara7a what cops are doing over there . some one would cross from your right then some one else would speed up to your left side .. it is totally a mess sara7a something more of playing a-crush-my-car in Sony playstation .. it is becoming like Egypt if any one of you have been there … ya3ni during my last vacation I started to avoid all the highways and avoided driving late where crazy ppl start to wake up and drive their cars ..we need more discipline .. less wastat .. more cameras and being harsh giving a lot of fines .. for speed and crossing the red lights .. and maybe MORE COPS !!! Driving in Oman is still fun other than the rush hour in the morning.... yet the number one killer in Oman is RTA ( Road Traffic Accident ) that could be explained by the dangerous roads around the mountains …

This is part one of the comparison … I may end it in the next post I may continue for a couple of posts I don’t know .. it depends in the mood ..The result of the match is Kuwait 1-1 Oman :) wait for the update :)

Tip of the day : pain is so subjective … what is considered severe for some one may be described as mild for some one else .


Blogger Mother Courage said...

hehe ur title sounds like a football match.i've been to oman before, beautiful peaceful country. but you know i thought you were going to mention something about the omani 7alwa and kuwaiti rahash, thats worth mentioning ;-p

12:30 PM  
Blogger Kay said...

interesting post, looking forward to parts 2 3 and 4!

2:26 PM  
Blogger Lym said...

Just as pain is subjective , keep in mind that people's views about Oman and Kuwait are subjective. ;)

Maybe the scores are not so accurate afterall.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Najah said...

had so many kuwaiti friends, and all of them gave an EXCELLENT impression about it hamdulilah. Got so many car driving stories from them :p and ya from what i only heard i think oman is better.
Waiting to hear about more!

1:44 AM  
Blogger NiGhTFaCe said...

Well, I hate some of the drivers here!

About shopping, I think it depends on what you are looking!

Waiting for what is next!

3:52 AM  
Blogger DareDevil said...

neat blog

10:57 AM  
Blogger Luisa said...

nice post :p

4:55 PM  
Blogger muscati said...

Last time I was in Kuwait was in 1999. Souq Sharq had just opened at the time. I have some really good Kuwaiti friends who I try to keep in touch with.

Thing about Kuwait is that it was so far ahead of all the gulf states right from the start. You guys had shopping centers before anyone. You could get designer clothing in Kuwait since the 80's, if not earlier. Dubai didn't get that stuff till the late 90's. But then Kuwait sort of hit the pause button and just stuck in one place while Bahrain got better and the Dubai came and surpassed everyone and then Qatar started to come about. Then suddenly Kuwait decided to go full speed ahead with everything.

I've been told by my Kuwaiti friends that all the ugly 70's buildings that I used to make fun of in Kuwait have been torn down. Quite a few malls have come up after Souq Sharq, etc.

Anyhow, looking forward to your next post on ths topic.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

mother courage it is kind of imaginary fotball match :) yet if oman wanted to play with kuwait ( with the same team we have rightnow ) they will win easily ..
am not fan of anything with sugar :)

kay it gonna end with the second part :) thanks for the support ..

lym i said this is how i view oman and kuwait :) so totally agree with you ..

Mimi you are more than welcome to visit kuwait :)

Najah wow am glad you met the right ppl :)

8:32 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

nightface well actually other than few stuff we dont have vairety overy here .. and few shops control the market ..

daredevil .. well thanks :) welcome to my blog ..

pizzaqueen lol :) thanks alot sis :)

Kaza :) walla i want to go to lybia :) heard alot about it :)

violet83 thanks violet .. you will read it soon .. thanks for the support :)

kaza :) now :)

Muscati .. totally agree with you .. we paused for awhile and we returned back .. and i hope we contiue you saw souq sharq :) you should see Marina and Raya .. they are beutifull ..and yes regarding the 70s bulding they are removing them all buyng them for millions to build malls and towers instead .. thanks for the support ..

8:39 PM  

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