Thursday, May 19, 2005

Luck !!

woke up at 7:30 today .. its weekend but i woke up cause I have to call the guys from omantel to activate the phone for me !! I callled them they were really nice to me .. they said that they have one line to fix in the university before they drive to me in Mawalih around 9 -9:30 I was like Fine ok I will wait .. and I was kinda happy cause they treated me -Unusually- like a customer ..

I picked up a book to read for the next 2 hours becouse I just cant sleep after waking up ..

at 9:30 the door bell Raaang tweeet tweeet tweeet ( I dont know why they make it like a bird .. it makes you feel you are in a jungle , stupid ppl any way !! )

I opened the door and guesss what !! it was Omantel technician !! at 9:30 !! just like what they said in the phone !! I was like going to hug him but thought it will looks weird

.. the man entered checked the wires everything was ok .. then he was just like looking for something and he could'nt find it .. Then he asked me about some wires and if there is another centeral box .. I Looked around its really small apartment with two rooms does he expcets to have 5 central boxes or what !! any way I said No .. he checked from the main box down stairs then he checked again from the box inside the apartment .. then he gave me that look .. the same look we give to the patient if we are going to break bad news or err to the family of the patient if it was REALY bad news .. and I was like (shaking my head in disbelieve and saying oh no oh no )

He told me that the wires from the main box is not connected to my box .. strange thing it's connected to the other 8 flats in the building EXCEPT ME .."Why me Why me lord Why me "..who was the singer ??

the guy told me that he cant do anything about it .. and i have to contact the owner of the building and cant do it by my self . I was like :"( Thanks for comming

The problem is some one from omantel visited the building ten days earlier and said everythign is OK !!
ahhhhhhhhh GOD I HATE THEM ..

Why ppl cant just do their jobs properly and how comes whenever some one do mistake it happen to be me who is affected only !!!

Do you believe in luck ?? amean being lucky and un lucky .. I dont .. couse if I did then I will find out that am really unlucky which will make me feeling sorry for my self .. and would get depressed ..

Tip of the day : You need Luck to open a phone line in Omantel


Blogger Unknown said...

DA- sees that you r everywhere lol...nice to see ya around

10:53 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Devilishangel seems you are soo right .. but living like this will be really difficult amean it like living alone in the island fixing all things by your self .. plus am not good at making pizza :P

Warda :)

2:37 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Devilish what about buying "whatsoever for dummies" for the real dummies so they know how their work supposed to be done .. but any way they are worse the dummies ..

5:27 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Really Kaza ?? oh i should Rething about it then :)
long time kaza :)

4:17 PM  
Blogger Lym said...

An adventure for a foreign student to settle in Oman. Ar7amek.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

zee wala lym am maskeen :((

1:14 PM  
Blogger Najah said...

lol read on yourself :p
good luck and things like these do happen alot and everyone just repeats the sentence (why me why me) :(

5:28 AM  

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