Monday, October 31, 2005

Kuwait !!!

Oh yes I am leaving for the Eid vacation .. today inshala .. after 10 hours ( it is 6:07 am right now ) my plane will take off inshala from Muscat heading for Kuwait .. and guess what .. Another attack of insomnia ... yet it was hectic day long list of to-do things .. driving all the way from Mawalih to Nahda and look like I choose the rush hour cause I spent 1 hour in the street trying to reach home .. and guess what I have to drive to Nahda after an hour or so .. finish at 12 then rush to home finish few stuff and go directly to the Airport .. since my flight is schuedled at 4 30 ... Ahhhhhhhh .. you know what .. it is strange ..I was checking my arrival and departures from must to Kuwait through the stamps in the passport.. and guess what I haven’t been in Kuwait since November 2004 !!!!!!! Yet I met my family three months ago in Egypt but I haven’t been in Kuwait since 12 months!!!! well that was a shock to me ... that was a shock ... when I was first year I used to travel to Kuwait every Month and now .. 12 months passed and I thought they were only 6 or something it because I got used to Oman (I love Oman ).. or is it because I get used to be outside .. ..

any way :) just want to say hi before i go :) I will log in inshala from Kuwait .. wo I will try to update inshala I will spend the whole eid there but inshala i will be here by 11/11 ... any how Tamroon 3ala shy men al kuwait :) ?? walla jd :) ???

Tip Of The Day : No Matter how you lost .. Time will take care of your wounds … they may scar .. but they will heal ..

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Men World !!!

Hey all .. who would disagree with me that this world is men world ? am I being sexist when I say so ? I don’t think so .. I respect women and I compare them as equivalent not putting in mind this sex difference issue .. but still our world is men world were men gets the better jobs , higher paid one , better chances in life where females could be discriminated because of their sex and the fear of their capabilities .. and most importantly .. men are not socially judged as much as a female .. a female could be stopped from doing something just because she is a female ….

So again are they right b judging the female by the idea she is a female !!! are they right for being such a sexist !!!

When you talk with those who have doubts about female capabilities they will say look at our Nurses !! yes they are good , yes they are well trained !! but they are absent around 3 months ( 45 days plus their annual leave they take it together usually ) yearly or year after year .. you may disagree but this is the truth ..

Now you let not talk about men who are against women they are well known they are labeled by being sexist we are all against them …

What about those females who are gaining benefits because of their sex !! because they may get a raise or get higher mark not because she is heavy worker but because she is being NICE to her pervert Boss / Teacher …

Is it her right to use her beauty or her being as a female ? or does she jut lowering her self by neglecting her intellectual capabilities and getting benefits from her body !!

What about those girls that are used in advertisement ? they are being used only because of their pretty faces , how can some one agree that she is being hired not because of their thinking , not because or their capabilities but because of their faces or their bodies ..

Is it men again ? Is it men who are against women or those who are abusing them made them use their bodies? Or it is because this is an easy way to gain benefits!!

My point here Girls do not blame guys for everything a lot of your problems are created by your self !!!

No… am not attacking females .. Females are attacking them self ..

Tip of The Day : It is very difficult to take responsibility for your own failures Because it is very easy to blame others..

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Tagged !!!!!!

I was tagged by Mother Courage , thanks

Seven things I plan to do:

1- finish my MD
2- start specialization yet am not sooo sure which specialization i should go for .. i love Both internal medicine and surgery ..
3- return back to Judo .. yet this is more of a dream than a plan ..
4- improve my English ( :((( pathetic ) ..
5- going to Hajj
6- Do laundry !!
7- return back home ( Kuwait) .. yet i consider Oman so am not sure about that : P

Seven things I can do:

1- Finish a book in one day ..
2- reading
3- socializing with others ..
4- arguing and debating..
5- listen to others ..
6- tease others ..
7- write with my left hand ( hey am left handed )

Seven things I can't do:

1- Drawing :((((((((((((((((( ( but i have a picture that i want to post maybe later )
2- discussing anything with an idiot ..
3- cant see at night ..
4-cant forget sad memories ..
5-some times .. cant forgive .. even if i wanted too ..
6- can not memorize :( that should be Number 1 )
7- cant fly , predict the future ,and no laser comes out of my eye :( ... :P

Seven things I say most often:

1- Sowhat !
2- whatever ..
3- Aloo .. hala walla
4- Men segek int
5- Hahahaha ( well not words but hey i say it alot )
6- ha shakhbar ?
7- Shako Mako ?

Seven people I want to pass this tag to:

1- LYM
2- Islander
3- Najah
4- Warda
5- Namika
6- Kaza
7- Violet83

thanks again Mother Courage

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Power Abuse!!!

Hey all

Today I want to talk about power abuse …

Ok I know you all practiced or face at least an incidence of power abuse .. So what is power abuse ? it is when you use your power that’s given to you by your job to achieve some personal benefits .. ok that’s enough for the theory part …

Story Number 1

This happen in daily practice ..

Friend of yours ask you if you can give him sick leave .. or to put him in the top of the list for MRI ( magnetic Resonance Imaging ) , CT scan as the list are full for two months in SQU hospital .. Now you could easily do this for him .. but he is taking the turn ( maybe ) of another seriously ill patient ( like cancer ) .. while your friend may have only backache and he could wait for the two months ..

Story Number 2

I have heard many stories about guys who works for police … they would use it to cancel their relatives and their friends fines ,, yet that maybe not the worst thing that they do .. some of them ( only some ) do practice their power to terrorize ppl for simple mistakes only because he is a Major or Colonel ..

Story Number 3

Some will send their family to Thailand for medical check up or for treatment and Diwan ( Royal Court ) would pay the cost while the treatment s available in the sultanate... however things could can get worse .. and some will go there with No disease At all !!! just to have fun and Diwan will cover them just like if they are patients !!! and they are taking the opportunities from real patient who would benefit from this treatment …

Tip of The Day : ppl do not judge you upon your thoughts they judge you upon what your do ..

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Racism !!!

Hey all …

Yes we are Racists!! Or the majority of us are … unfortunately.
And am talking about gulf citizens here !!

The only difference between us is to whom we are being racist to .. But we are racist... I was thinking about the topic long time ago .. yet I decide writing about it in Ramadan after reading reviews about TV shows like “Gerge3an” and watching those silly advertising in Kuwaiti TV making those poor ppl looking funny .. You can read more in Bo Jaij , Kuwait-Unplugged , kuwatism blogs ..

Yes we are racist .. we differ among the gulf to whom we are being racist against .. but in general most of the ppl show some racism in their daily life .. based in colour , sex , race , religion , party ( math’hab ) ..

Yet from country to country discrimination differ in its strength and in its type .. where in Kuwait race discrimination and math’hab discrimination is the highest while we can see that color and race discrimination is the most prominent here in Oman , it .. those from Sharqia ( for example) would know that alot of ppl there would show some racist reaction toward some one based in his/her colour .. yet al7amdolla Oman doesn’t have a problem in Mathaheb … comparing to Kuwait or Bahrain anyway ..

Am not writing this as am attacking Omanies NO , I really like Oman and I Consider it as a second Country ….I visited most of Welayat in oman know a lot of ppl mixed well with them and I know what am talking about ..

I am sure your self had been in this situation once at least you heard that “I don’t know why only “particular family/race” are controlling this bank” ,, or why those “particular family/race” control this ministry .. not looking that those ppl as well educated or because they deserve the job.. they looked only that they are from the same race ..

and when some one from different race do something Wrong they would say Don’t blame him he is belushi/lutiani/ajmi/zinjibari/zadjali ..

YET !!! those who are mentioned above are the most educated people in Oman !!!!!

Those particular races traveled for gaining knowledge and complete their education and return back to serve their country.. missing all the good opportunities where they could be a hot shot in more civilized country back then ..

However the worst discrimination practiced here would be regarding the color !!!
I Wont go through it as it make me sick sara7a .. but the words “Khal” , “3abd” are still used and they would make me feel sick

Being a Kuwaiti guy I feel really bad when I heard about a series shown in Kuwaiti TV where they are making fun about other ppl from differ countries or to make fun of person because of his color or his race …

It also hit me hard how Kuwaitis Do practice discrimination based in Math’hab and based in Color ,, and Some times based in Race .. that person is “badawi” this person is “Iranian this one is “Shi3i” that one is “Sunni” and based on that he /she would make a judgment …

It hit me really hard thinking about how much we are racist against those who we think that they are lower than us … and they are NOT ..

Yet we want western ppl not to be racist with us while they are looking at us being lower than them and WE ARE !!!

Am I making problem out of nothing ?? my answer would be just open your SMS inbox and see how many jokes you have are based in race/country/color discrimination !!!

I Know am Generalizing by saying all of us are racist , and I know there are exceptions….

Tip of The day : every one got a master , and I am proud that my Master is God ( Allah)..

Monday, October 03, 2005


Hey all ,

I feel like I want to update : )

If you noticed I am posting this at 2 am .. so again and again I got this sleeping problem .. I really need to sleep ..

Today I went to Sultan Center I saw all those ppl buying every thing to get ready for Ramadan and I got this thought am I Blessed for living alone or am I missing the whole thing .. Well if I want to think optimistically I would say am blessed .. cause I cant change the situation any way .. back in Kuwait when I was there .. I was taking the list from my mom and start buying everything they need ,, and always call before you come back cause we may remember that we didn’t add everything in the list .. it was a nice days .. .

I remember when I was child mom was sending me to buy bread before Iftar from the nearby Baker ,, I remember now all those walks .. I was enjoying them .. we were going in groups as all of my friends were sent for the same purpose .. a lot of chatting and after Iftar plans .. some times we used bicycles but most of the time it was walking .. when we were younger we played with those tiny small glass balls do you recall them? yet I don’t know what they call them in English, they call it “Teela” in our Kuwaiti accent ..

I remember returning back home with the bread , handing it to mom telling her about my childish victories in the glass balls , waiting for iftar and watching the TV .. I don’t know this memory always accompanied by the music of before iftar lesson from Sha3rawy .. it is very famous I think you do remember it ..

Yet those days are gone.. drivers are doing the job , no children are sent for bread any more .. children stay in front of the TV trying to watch all those series which is presented exclusively by different channels .. yet we got only two channels back then … Alola and al thania for the English programs .. yet the life was more interesting back then or is it because we are not children anymore? I think I will never know ..

In Ramadan we were allowed to stay late , watching TV , waiting For Sohor , we are not from the kind that sleep then wake up for eating .. no we eat it as a late dinner that’s all ..

I remember when I was school student in the primary school and how we were proud that we were fasting .. and teasing each other that you are lying and not fasting .. “Show me your Tounge “ you would be asked frequently to show it as a prove that you didn’t drink any water .. and your tongue is as dry as a wood : ) it was the only measure to know the truth .. as we didn’t have polygraph back then :P .. it was simple days .. yet it was wonderful ..

Is it Ramadan that is changed or is it us ? or is it that we are older now ? if that so . do children feel the same ? do they enjoy it as we did ? I really hope so ..

I will post more about Ramadan inshala : ) soon ..

See ya

Tip of the Day : Memories are Black and White images … they are either too good or too bad to forget ..

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Random Thoughts ..

Any one was driving from Ruwi toward Seeb today around 12-2 ?? I hope you didn’t .. or you would really experience the worst and the most frustrating driving experience you may ever face here in Oman .. the street was completely obstructed with cars I don’t know the reason thought it was not like we are moving slow like the usual !!! no there were no movement at all .. it took from me around an hour to drive from Nahda hospital to Alkhuwair ( where Hardeez , Taza , and KFC located ) I even start reading while am waiting.. And wanted to go outside the car to take better shots but felt hesitant that some will call me weird for doing so : P

Now those rush hours are increasing in incidence , we kind of accept it in the morning as a matter of fact that you need an hour to read Nahda from Mawalih .. Yet it was really strange to have it at 12 Pm !!! truly I felt lucky first that the doctor said you can go at12 since today was an introduction to the new course and there are not much to do in the first day .. but it appear to be that I was really mistaken ..

One question to you .. do you think driving in Muscat changed ?

Ramadan is coming : ) some body told me it can be either Wednesday or Tuesday ,, didn’t check that but I hope that all of the Islamic world will fast together in the same day this time at least .. it is really annoying that you are fasting and some one from Kuwait , Egypt or any other country is not you just don’t feel the moment ..

It will be my 6th Ramadan here .. am I getting used to it with out my family ? well I don’t think so .. especially Ramadan all the memories rise and you want to be back home … but that would be another post …

Am reading eleven minute right now for Paulo Coelho , well till now it is good novel a lot of thoughts and some sentence will keep you thinking for a while ,, how much true it is .. one sentence that I really stopped by is a simple one .. many of us said it before .. but for me it was the first time to read ( as I do remember )
“I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search for the treasure. It’s all a question oh how I view my life “ From Maria diaries page 41,Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes ..

I want to buy Alchemist as soon as I finish this one .. a lot of ppl recommended the book for me ..any other recommendation ?

I think that is everything for now ..

see ya ..

Tip of the Day : girls love to be loved .. and if they couldn’t .. they will just imagine it …