Sunday, October 16, 2005

Power Abuse!!!

Hey all

Today I want to talk about power abuse …

Ok I know you all practiced or face at least an incidence of power abuse .. So what is power abuse ? it is when you use your power that’s given to you by your job to achieve some personal benefits .. ok that’s enough for the theory part …

Story Number 1

This happen in daily practice ..

Friend of yours ask you if you can give him sick leave .. or to put him in the top of the list for MRI ( magnetic Resonance Imaging ) , CT scan as the list are full for two months in SQU hospital .. Now you could easily do this for him .. but he is taking the turn ( maybe ) of another seriously ill patient ( like cancer ) .. while your friend may have only backache and he could wait for the two months ..

Story Number 2

I have heard many stories about guys who works for police … they would use it to cancel their relatives and their friends fines ,, yet that maybe not the worst thing that they do .. some of them ( only some ) do practice their power to terrorize ppl for simple mistakes only because he is a Major or Colonel ..

Story Number 3

Some will send their family to Thailand for medical check up or for treatment and Diwan ( Royal Court ) would pay the cost while the treatment s available in the sultanate... however things could can get worse .. and some will go there with No disease At all !!! just to have fun and Diwan will cover them just like if they are patients !!! and they are taking the opportunities from real patient who would benefit from this treatment …

Tip of The Day : ppl do not judge you upon your thoughts they judge you upon what your do ..


Blogger Najah said...

ehem i judge people's thought more to be honest, thats why i like online people :D you know nothing about them but their unconcious/concious mind. ANYWHO, this is very sad, i dont know what Islam they are talking about when they are asked. the saddest thing is one of them lecture you about Amana, sedq,..etc
I was listening to this lecture and he was saying now day's we are bta3 kulo, we fast,pray,zakki,perform hajj as well as ceat, break promises, lie and steal!!!!!!!!!
Lil2asaf. Sowhat kaif did you watch Amr khalids program? You haveeeeee TOOOO,

1:33 PM  
Blogger Lym said...

I judge people by both , thier thoughts and actions...

anyhow about your topic , all I have to contribute to it is this :
As ashamed as I am to say this but the first Arabic word most of our British teachers learned was : WASTA !
I think that defines the problem , right ?

9:48 PM  
Blogger Mother Courage said...


i just knew ur actually a male !! hehehe

anyways i tagged u ;-p

5:13 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Najah sotrue serna beta3 kello ..
regarding TV programmesi made it and i watched Khawater Shab .. it was really nice thank for telling me about it..

Lym so true unfortunatly .. Wasta is penetrating our society ..

Islander .. agree with you too ..but wasta here is used even for simple things like finding a job , doing yor papers where i don think it is that prominent in the western countries. .

Violet83 oh you gonna be wazeerah !! then should i send you all my request to your mail :P joking

Mother Courage lol that was weird !! do i sound like non-male blogger !! anyhow thanksfor tagging me it will be difficultjop to find 7 stuff that i can do :)

thank you all ..

7:17 PM  
Blogger muscati said...

I hate using wasta. I'd never use it to cancel a traffic fine or even to skip a queue at a bank. But I have to admit I've used it for medical treatment. I don't mean like to get treatment abroad. I've used it to get a private room at a government hospital. I used it when I wanted an appointment with a dentist at Khoula and they told me to wait three months. We used it when my mother was in immense pain and they said she has to wait three months for an MRI. I don't think they took anyone's turn for her, they made her come off-hours to be scanned.

It sucks, but sorry what are u going to do. Until recently we didn't have good private hospitals. Now that we do we pay there instead of using wasta at ministry of health.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Muscati well i dont blame any one seeking wasta in ministry of health especially with the two-three months que for MRI , denstist .. patients will do whatever can be done to have treatment .. wasta or no wasta ..and this is their right ..

I blame doctors if they took the turn of another patient who is really ineed because they know the other patient and he/she is not ineed ..
thanks for your comment..

4:13 AM  
Blogger iamnasra said...

Well I would love to have a firend in the police at the moment. I had an accident and Im beat with going round. Its just sometime they take for many rounds they make you hate yourself or wish you were never been born. Then the insurance guys also makes your life more than mash potato. Is it Im treated like this because Im girl or is it Im half Omani

10:59 AM  
Blogger iamnasra said...

I would apply to have passport of the sky

السماء أرحم

11:00 AM  

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