Racism !!!
Hey all …
Yes we are Racists!! Or the majority of us are … unfortunately.
And am talking about gulf citizens here !!
The only difference between us is to whom we are being racist to .. But we are racist... I was thinking about the topic long time ago .. yet I decide writing about it in Ramadan after reading reviews about TV shows like “Gerge3an” and watching those silly advertising in Kuwaiti TV making those poor ppl looking funny .. You can read more in Bo Jaij , Kuwait-Unplugged , kuwatism blogs ..
Yes we are racist .. we differ among the gulf to whom we are being racist against .. but in general most of the ppl show some racism in their daily life .. based in colour , sex , race , religion , party ( math’hab ) ..
Yet from country to country discrimination differ in its strength and in its type .. where in Kuwait race discrimination and math’hab discrimination is the highest while we can see that color and race discrimination is the most prominent here in Oman , it .. those from Sharqia ( for example) would know that alot of ppl there would show some racist reaction toward some one based in his/her colour .. yet al7amdolla Oman doesn’t have a problem in Mathaheb … comparing to Kuwait or Bahrain anyway ..
Am not writing this as am attacking Omanies NO , I really like Oman and I Consider it as a second Country ….I visited most of Welayat in oman know a lot of ppl mixed well with them and I know what am talking about ..
I am sure your self had been in this situation once at least you heard that “I don’t know why only “particular family/race” are controlling this bank” ,, or why those “particular family/race” control this ministry .. not looking that those ppl as well educated or because they deserve the job.. they looked only that they are from the same race ..
and when some one from different race do something Wrong they would say Don’t blame him he is belushi/lutiani/ajmi/zinjibari/zadjali ..
YET !!! those who are mentioned above are the most educated people in Oman !!!!!
Those particular races traveled for gaining knowledge and complete their education and return back to serve their country.. missing all the good opportunities where they could be a hot shot in more civilized country back then ..
However the worst discrimination practiced here would be regarding the color !!!
I Wont go through it as it make me sick sara7a .. but the words “Khal” , “3abd” are still used and they would make me feel sick
Being a Kuwaiti guy I feel really bad when I heard about a series shown in Kuwaiti TV where they are making fun about other ppl from differ countries or to make fun of person because of his color or his race …
It also hit me hard how Kuwaitis Do practice discrimination based in Math’hab and based in Color ,, and Some times based in Race .. that person is “badawi” this person is “Iranian this one is “Shi3i” that one is “Sunni” and based on that he /she would make a judgment …
It hit me really hard thinking about how much we are racist against those who we think that they are lower than us … and they are NOT ..
Yet we want western ppl not to be racist with us while they are looking at us being lower than them and WE ARE !!!
Am I making problem out of nothing ?? my answer would be just open your SMS inbox and see how many jokes you have are based in race/country/color discrimination !!!
I Know am Generalizing by saying all of us are racist , and I know there are exceptions….
Tip of The day : every one got a master , and I am proud that my Master is God ( Allah)..
Unfold :) welcome to my blog and thanks alot :) i am happy that you liked my tip of the day :)
"every one got a master , and I am proud that my Master is God ( Allah).." waaaaaaaygooooo sowhat
Hehe , no one wants to comment about the topic of the post.
I think it is the lack of education and religion amongst these racist people. If they were true Muslims , they wouldn't allow a 'unacceptable' colour or race to marry their daughter as long as they are Muslims.
Education teaches us that all humans are equal , except for the colour of our skin and structure but we share the same types of organs and function in similar ways , so why would a group of people feel more 'proud' than another ? Origin is the only answer I could come up with. And it is funny , because these people had nothing to do with their origins, they were simply born into it, so why blame them for something they couldn't 'change' and make their lives a living hell!!!
Mother Courage :) am happy you liked it :) thanks for passing by ..
Lym ..thanks for commenting ,,,
totally agree with yo that education and religion can help...
yet education s not really effective here in Gulf ...
and yes we are racist even if we say we're not, everybody happens to be racist against certain people, we looked it through, people would say no am not racist but when you ask them certain questions about others and how they accept it they turn out to be racist themselves, it's not nice but it's true.
I was mad few days back when I got the feeling that i was being treated differently ya3ni not to the standard because of my color... :D but oh welllllll it is every where in everyone, khaleej,arabs,american's...etc as if we were the chosen to jannah. theresn't something called taqwa standard al7een, bus dont let it hit u tooo hard khaleek kitha 3al kha6 ma3ana :D u don't, and u will teach ur kids not to, and from here we start inshallah to get better :) (ameen)
Sponta welcome to my blog :)
Exactly !! no matter who you are from what race , Color most of us are racist ... unfortunatly :(
and the problem is ppl dont cosider them self as a racist ( as you already mentioned ) so tey will not tr to correct that ..
welcome again to my blog..
Najah .. the problm that even if you raised your children in agood way they will be affected by the surrounding enviroment ..no matter how good you raise them am not really optimistic that we will ever correct that .. regarding what you are facing walla am really sorry god bless you inshala ...
thank you all ..
I liked your post a lot, and yes we can't deny that ppl are racist one way or another.
Lym, believe me education had nothing to do with it. I know a lot of educated ppl who would go on talking about "3abeed" "black ppl" "bayasir"..
Some of them would be friends with so called "3abeed" but when it comes to marriage its a big fat NO..
Another thing they care about is family names. If its a known family then its a good one. If its not a known family then its bad.
These days one is not known by his personality, but known by his color, family name.. :(
I always tell them:
"متى استعبدتم الناس وقد ولدتهم امهاتهم احراراً"
I think 3umar bin Al-kha6ab said that.
But who listens!!!
Namika Well said sis .. i really liked what you wrote ..
the problem is it is not fading away .. it is just the same ..young ppl in Oman didnt live when there were slaves . yet they still call them 3abeed .. .. wo kelna 3abeed allah ..
thank you
sowhat, a lot of old ppl teach their kids and grand kids these things.. the problem is these kids will follow what their parents and grand parents say willingly without arguing about it.
Its like they are given Racism 101.. and I tell you a lot of ppl sadly pass with A+.....
Namika , you read my mind walla :)
i am going to post something similar to this in the future inshala ..i do agree with you 100%
Gandparents got a ole in gulf and this should be good thing ( Al Shiab Baraka ) as they ae wise .. but what i can see they ae the one who is responsible fo teaching the new generation how to be racist .
Namika thanks again for you active discussion ..
No one can deny that we have discrimination amongst us in Oman and I guess in all the gulf regions. Its something given to people since they are children so its really hard to wake up one day and not see it in our socity. and by this I mean the discrmination of family names and races. Speaking about Oman, its a young country in terms of education .. the educated people lived in this discriminated society for long, and were raised with those discrimination. Its hard to ask a 40 year old guy to change his mind even if you bring how logical it is..
Its wrong, but its something that cannot be changed in one day .. it would take a long process for it to change.
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